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== Hawk Health Alert! ==

Welcome to my dream
In the year 2010 give or take a year or two, there will appear on the bookshelves of the world a new book. It will be a story about a seven year old farm boy from middle America and his dream. The year, 1934 just after the Great Depression in America. A boyhood dream of some day walking around the world. Not in eighty days as Jules Verne wrote about in his famous novel, but a walk around the world in seven thousand-three hundred and fifty days or thereabouts.

In that same year a popular love song played on the radio. Asking a very curious question, "Have you ever seen a dream walking? Well I have". So have I, for you see I am that small boy of 76 years ago and his dream. Who, at this point in time and space has walked approximately 80,000 miles in Eighteen and half years, covering 70 plus Countries. Fourteen thousand of those miles was in walking the Fifty States of America plus the Yukon Territory in three and half years.

The American poet, Walt Whitman in his poem, "A Song Of The Open Road", wrote these words: "I am in step with my vision. As I tramp my perpetual journey". I would paraphrase and say "I am in step with my dream as I walk the path less traveled".

This World Walk will be finished by the year 2010. Or as they say in Texas, "If the creek don't rise and the Lord is willing." The end of my trip will be as I am coming up out of South America through the Panama Canal finally into Mexico, then on toward the Mexico/Texas border. Finishing in Houston,Texas.

Again, Welcome to My Dream.

If you do not have a dream in your pocket, run, don't walk, and find yourself a dream to become and be.

Well Over 100,000 Visits

The epic 20 yr. journey

is finished.

The Hawk has landed.

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