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== Hawk Health Alert! ==



THANKS, for the memories...
To all those people who were a part of my life in my earlier years. Those mentors, heroes and role models that helped me along the way. And to those relationships with their ups and downs and bumpy roads. Which helped me to assess and choose a way, to go through life.

My regrets are but a few, for we should "let the dead bury the dead". Now is for the living, the aware and the alive.

To all those I have met along the path that have given their friendship and hospitality, in these past twenty years. And for all the moments in time, we have shared. All those handshakes and hugs, and words of affirmation and celebration.

For the endless warmth and affection that is always out there, if one will but enter the flow of Life and embrace it.

Thanks for allowing me to be a part of you and you of me. For the memories of just being there in spirit and in love. It is always nice when people bring something to the table, preferably "themselves."

And should it be tomorrow, that we meet again, it would be as "yesterday".

The epic 20 yr. journey

is finished.

The Hawk has landed.

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all material on this site copyright © Hawk McGinnis (hawkwalk33@hotmail.com)
original site design by ImagineGraphics.Com