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The Image
We have heard it, read it and said it. That a picture is worth a thousand words. If this be true then the expressed image one reflects is worth far more than all the words, we have or ever will say. As we have said before: words can reveal as well as hide.

All our masks, facades, pretenses; that face we present when we deceive and pretend. Speaks volumes to those who can read the deception. On the other hand; all we hold as good, noble, or the more excellent. All our dreams, visions and aspirations. All our intents, resolutions and affirmations, along with our oughts and shoulds, needs to be defined by each of us. And we define best by Becoming and Being these things. We become the definitive definition of what we speak, say and do.

It is not the word, or words that we speak that carries the power. It is the intent and the spirit, the presence, the posturing. As we have said so many times, more is caught than taught. It is the I AM-NESS that comes out of the incarnation, the embodiment of the said word. Which I am willing to give my life for, and if necessary, to die for. This is what generates the Power and the Presence. We are talking about those words, which one has carefully chosen and nurtured. And has deliberately and slowly, ingested these same words until they become ones' flesh and blood.

If the word be of TRUTH, BEAUTY, GOODNESS, or LOVE, remains but a printed or spoken word and nothing else among all the collective utterances of the human species, then we have nothing. It is only when it is incarnated, embraced, and embodied, by us. Leaving the one dimensional level. First moving within, without, back and forth and then beyond. Becoming time and space. When this takes place, a "Presence" is perceived, felt and acknowledged. Herein lies the Power of the spoken word. Here we have the WORD becoming the flesh and blood, of the speaker. And he/she can say; inequitably and with a certainly; I AM THAT I AM. (I am that which I have proven to be so)

It is in the seeing, we hear. And in the hearing we see. And in the knowing, we know. In the becoming, we become. And in the Being, we are. We are that, which just IS. The expressed image, of the Imago. We have become that picture which is worth a thousand words. The ascension has begun, the light is increasing and the darkness is fading. The return back becomes inevitable.

So we ask, where does one begin, looking, seeking and searching. So one might find that Reality, that just is. Not as we may wish it to be, or image it to be. Where is the starting point for this Reality search; this lifelong pilgrimage? How about a story....

While walking along one day. I saw a man kneeling on the ground as though he was looking, searching for something. "What has been lost?" "One of my contact lenses.", he replied. So I became part of the search for the lost. After a few moments, finally I asked; " And where did you lose your contact lens?" " In my house,  he said. "Then why are we looking out here? " "Well, the man replied, " There's more light outside than inside my house". Our search is much like the owner of the lost contact lens. We begin our searching for the meaning of so many things, outside ourselves. We rummage through the externals for the meaning of life, love, happiness and the list goes on. Forgetting that the secrets of all Creation began in the darkness of the Void. The Reality of " All and Everything " Yes, even our own reality, our "I Am-ness", our very substance, our intrinsic essence that which we have named "Being "came out of this primal Void.

In the beginning, we were innocence and pure, unknowing entities of perfection, we just were. We existed in a state of Being, that was whole,(holy) integrated, synthesized, with all and everything. But we were unaware; we did not know that we knew nor did we understand that we understood. We were unaware of our perfection. Because there were no opposites, no polarities, no duality's. Nothing to go over and against, nothing to compare with. There was but one model, the model of perfection. But even that did not register. For there were no words, only one Word, one Will, one Power which we were unaware of.
If a child was to have a Birthday, a Christmas, a Halloween, an Easter Basket every day. With all the ice cream, cake, candy and lots and lots of presents. Would he or she ever know; the joy and the fun of these days and gifts.

Perfection cannot see perfection, no more than a knife can cut itself, nor a fire burn itself.

But then came that first glimpse, that birth of awareness, along with the, who?, what? and why? questions. And the search was on and so was the descension. That descent from the perfect paradigm was in full swing and it was inevitable. It was out of necessity, a had to be, if we were ever to know how to celebrate and truly give our daily Thanksgivings for all the abundance we have been given. A necessity if we were ever to know who and what we are, why we are here. And finally to know that we know.


In the beginning, the truth set us free, as we descended. And it continues to set us free as we grow and evolve (ascend). The Original Intent; the Design had and still has one central and unified purpose. That we knowingly, by free choice and effort choose to return back from whence we came. To that which, just IS.

Descension and Ascension (devolution and evolution) are the flip side of one another, essential to one another. They are also integral to our search and our return back. They are one and the same. For without the downward and the upward thrust [descension and ascension] we would never had the opportunity, or the possibility to be knowledgeable or thankful for all the givens, all the gifts and graces. That which we have always had and still do, nor would we ever know or be worthy of the name, our given "Name". The "Name" we have forgotten. The "Name" we need to remember, to recover.

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The epic 20 yr. journey

is finished.

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