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== Hawk Health Alert! ==

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Is it standing on the inside looking out or standing on the outside looking in?
Or is it both at the same time?

Can the above be seen from the below or can the below be seen from above?
Or is it both at the same time?

Does the lesser depend upon the greater or does the greater depend upon the lesser?
Or is both at the same time?

Can we, or will we ever see beyond the far?

Question: Why do we insist in allowing those human enterprises that produce and sell any and all substances and materials that are dangerous and harmful to the well-being of the peoples' of the World and to the environment of the Planet?

Question: Why do we fan the fires of separation via hate, prejudices, intolerance, exclusion and destruction. Are we not of the same seed from out of the past. When we look at one another. Are we not aware that our physical attributes and the materiality of our bodies are much the same? Do not all who procreate do so to extend and insure the survival of the human species? Are not our basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, love, acceptance, respect and of course our right to the pursuit of happiness? Pretty much the same where ever we may live.

Question:Why is it taking us so long (50,000 years or so) to realize that diversity does not call for separation, it calls for unity, balance and peace. Our teacher is Nature. There is nothing as diverse as Nature. And yet all the countless expressions and imprints of this diversity co-exist in harmony, balance and peace. We live in an ordered Universe. Nature is a living example of unity.

Question: Why has the basic automotive engine staid basically the same since its' inception?

Question: Why have the alternative means of different energy sources been so slow in developing? Surely if we can send men to the Moon. And do all the thousands of innovations, we have done since the beginning of the 20th. century up to now. We should not be as dependent on oil and gas as we are.

Question: Why do we have millions of people starving and dying (men,women and children) on a daily basis when we have the knowledge and the "know how" (technology) to prevent this holocaust?

Question: Why do we have 40,000 children a day dying. What grief would you suffer if just one of these children was yours'. Multiply that by 40,000. Imagine a Football Stadium filled with 40,000 children and in a blink of an eye, they are all dead. All TV stations, all the newspapers, every type of media are showing, printing pictures of the fallen and twisted bodies of this unbelievable tragedy. The air waves are filled with newscasters trying to find the words to describe such a nightmare of horror. Asking the question; how could something like this happen?


Question: Why are 2,500 persons dying of Aids each day in Africa? We have decoded the DNA. We are far beyond the discovery of the Atom with its' proton, electron and neutron. We are now dealing with the discovery of the finer particles of the Atom. We are advancing in a new frontier called Nano-technology which is said to be just around the corner. Along with an army of Servo-humanoids manned with Artificial Intelligence. But wait a minute; what about the devastating Health problems of the Human Species at this point in time? Who cares? Indeed, Who cares?


Question: Why do we allow ethnic cleansing; the killing of the innocence? How is this possible in a "knowledgeable and enlightened" World?


Question: Why do we as Citizens of the World allow the deprivation, hunger, disease and death that plagues the 'Refugee Camps' throughout the World. Are these human beings or just beasts of the field. This " Molly and me and baby makes three" mind set has to change to, "one for all and all for one." WE ARE THE WORLD. We are family. We will not survive as a species. Until we realize that we are all in this "Lifeboat" together. And our survival and safety depends on this being one with another, when the need arises. And shouts and pounds in our ears. They do say "no man is an island unto ( his or her ) self."

Question: Why do we still allow the sale of land mines. And why are we so lacking in compassion as not to clear the left over land mines (millions upon millions) that are taking and maiming countless of lives on a daily basis, all over the world.

Question: What makes some believe and say; "I cannot do this or accomplish that. No, not me?" When they have never tried or proved this to be so? Fear of failure, how do we know? Fear of censure, how do we know? Surely we do not enter Life knowing fear, failure, censure, despair or defeat? The slate is clean, so to speak. There are no minuses only possibilities and potentialities. Horizons await!


Question: Why do we settle for less instead of more. Surely this is not innate or inherent? Are we destined to be less than we are? No! A failure instead of a success? No! To be "down" instead of "up." No! It is hard to believe that we enjoy taking a ten count and out. In being a failure, a quitter, a loser instead of a winner.

Question: Why do so many never leave the Starting Gate. The race for them is over before it begins. Defeat becomes an accepted norm. Reason? Laying down is easier. "Yes"!

If you strive to succeed
both success and failure
are waiting in the wings
to seize the moment
to take the final bow.

Remember it is not
what you say,
it is how you say it.
It is not the volume
it is the quality.

a whisper can be
more effective
than a shout.

Uruguay 2007


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The epic 20 yr. journey

is finished.

The Hawk has landed.

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