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== Hawk Health Alert! ==

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We can only drop the seed, or the pebble.
The growth and the ripple effect are beyond our control. The harvest may or may not come afterwards.



We can only open the door. We cannot take someone's hand and lead them through the door and beyond. They must choose; to walk through the door on their own.

As much as we might wish to give of our experience. Experience is non-transferable. What we need to give, can give, is our Presence, our I Am-ness, that which we have fleshed out. That which we have gleaned "the gold from the dross". From the Is-ness, from the Thus-ness of 'all and everything', which we have experienced..



Be aware of who you are,
And what you are about.
Realize; that you attract others.
Because of who you are.
And what you are.



There is your truth,
my truth
And others' truth.
It is just possible, that if we
seek daily after Truth.
All of us can share the same truth,
Our Truth.



Don't waste your time, or your energy,
On yesterday.
Let today, be for today.
The past is the Past, let go of it.
Let the dead bury the dead.:

Climb back into the flow of life.
Today, will be your past.
Make it count. Make it a joy.
Make it, a beautiful memory for tomorrow.



As with all probing and explorations into the chasms of truth. One must continue to dig deeper in between the crevices of the Consciousness levels; down deep into the 'Transcendental Stillness'. As the depth and the levels change, so does the materiality of those doing the digging. Strangely, they are never the same. Plus, there is no turning back. 'The die is cast'.



It is important, that we come to grips with the impermanence of life. Life is in flux, change is the name of the game. But this should not be such a shock to us. All of life is about birth, death and rebirth. About change and transformation; the changing of size, shape and seasons. Nothing on earth, or in the cosmos stays exactly the same. Growth and e-volution (conscious energy.) Along with the process of de-volution (creative energy) both are in process at the same time. Change is the granddaddy of all time. Life is a constant metamorphosis of motion and energy, generated by Will. The 'Alpha and the Omega'.

Since the physical manifestations of 'all and everything' are in constant flux and change. And transformations are a second by second "happening." What say we about the mind, body and spirit of the human species. Do they escape this eternal process of transformation?



Speculation for speculation sake is a 'no exit' when it comes to the areas of the metaphysics, religion, or the Spiritual realm. It solves nothing, answers little. It might well be referred to as "mental masturbation". Even though it may make for a pleasant evenings' interlude for discussion sake. Let's face it - if we are discussing the intangibles, abstract formulations, philosophical inquires, the ineffable ,or the reality of the Reality. We are 'whistling in the dark'. These things cannot be perceived by pure intellection. Nor, can the rubrics of conceptualization do them justice. Partially, because consensual language betrays them.

Knowledge of, the understanding of the ineffable of Life comes about, by experiencing the "is-ness" the " thus-ness" of these things. Call the simile; via " awakening", being aware and alive to the "nowness" of that which is being experience. To become aware, awakened, and alive to the moment, allows us to see reality as Reality, during the quickening. Reality cannot be created or destroyed. Reality is neither permanent or impermanent. It just is THAT which just IS. It has no beginning, no end. It has been recorded as the Alpha and the Omega, one and the same. The All in All.

Reality is not concepts, creeds, duality's, dichotomies, categories, classifications, models and modalities, conditions or non-conditions, or cause and effect. It just IS.

The sooner we work through all this, and come to know, understand and BE... Reality. Be our "Ultimate Nature". We will experience, become and know, that we are one with All and Everything and with the ALL IN ALL. It is in this being and doing that we will know; Who, Why and What we are? And always have been.



Technology, materialism, consumerism, industrialism, or whatever ism which comes front and center. Are not inherently negative, destructive, dehumanizing, de-selfing or demoralizing. They are amoral. But of course, they can become all these and more, via human choices and endeavors. As human beings; we can moderate and balance any and all manifestations. Never, never are we to allow the externals to be the controlling factors in life. Things cannot be allowed in the saddle to ride us. It must be the other way around. To help in this dilemma. It wouldn't be a bad idea, if we would find out, just who and what we are? And what we are to be about? If these questions can be answered; we can become and be the answers, we find. Then we will KNOW THAT, WE KNOW. When this happens all the questions will cease.



There have been those times in my life, when I just wanted to grab a particular person and shake them until their teeth rattled. For it is so disheartening to watch a person who is just sleep-walking through life. Especially those who have so much going for themselves but have accepted less. What a waste! Sort, of like fallen fruit on the ground, that eventually spoils. Unless someone intervenes and rescues it from where it has fallen.



To accept defeat, as being permanent, is to forfeit one's courage. To have a defeatists' attitude, also forfeits life; leaving one to live in the arid wastelands of deprivation. Let's put it another way; if we accept any condition, or symptoms that block the well-being, the growth and e-volution towards wholeness as a final reality; as the way things are, we lie down with the 'wastelanders'. Those who live in the shadows. The vacuous people who appear to be living, although their pallor belies the fact.



Empty lives seek substitutes, as do painful lives. And to many times with little or no regard as to the consequences to self or others. What they want is all that counts. Disregarding any and all rules (ground rules) for momentary fleeting fixes to make up for the meaninglessness of their lives Or to soothe feelings of boredom, worry, fear, anxieties and guilt. Out of this process of de-selfing, they become as T.S. Eillot so aptly described; 'the hollow people'. Or, as I have refer to them; the surface people, who flit here, there and everywhere. As this erosion sets in. They are liken to skipping stones across the waters' surface. But as the energy thrust diminishes, they sink deeper and deeper into their watery graves.



How we posture our affirmations or injunctions is important. Case in point; human beings can transcend those tendencies that negate their humanness, how?  Do not believe that you are only your mind, body, emotions or feelings. You are more, much more. You come from beyond, your humanness. You are of the Divine. Image of the Image ( in kind and in likeness). Of like substance. The divine merging with the Divinity. One and the same.

And from these frames of references, these affirmations, this being of Being. You will remember who and what you are and return back to " THAT " which just " IS. " One with the ALL IN ALL



In all my writings, discussions, statements or affirmations. I, at no time have meant them to be argumentative, demanding, condescending or patronizing. I wish them to be dialectic; if need be challenging, empowering, enhancing and motivational. They are but benchmarks, searchlights, suggestions, options, alternatives and reference points. They are insights, reflections and points of Being. I would certainty agree that they are intents  with a great deal of intensity behind them. There is no doubt that my enthusiasm has no bounds. And at times, I have to sit on it. With certainty; I want what I write, or say to point beyond the intent and the word. To point to other possibilities and paradigms. For it is the spirit, not the letter, or the symbol that is important.

My disclosures are of a experiential nature, coupled with insights which I have gathered along the way. Truths and values that has been proven to be so, {for me} up to this point in time and space. And hopefully there is more in store for me, just around the corner, or over the next horizon.

There is a need as one scripts their life, to pencil in as many experiences as is possible. It is the experiencing of the 'all and everything' while at the same time internalizing the thus-ness of each now that allows the gift of awareness to surface. As we enter into the flow of life, life will tutor us if we can acquire the art of seeing and hearing, the lessons that are being re-presented over and over again.

If there is a continuity of growth and evolution, a sense of stability, along with a balance and harmony. And all systems are performing at peak level. One should go for it. We have only so many breaths to breathe, so many hours to live (about 650,000).before we stop functioning. Life is precious,this you need to learn and appreciate.  And if things are not going to well.  One needs to reflect and reprogram.

If a persons' perceptions, or structured reality causes one's thoughts, words and deeds to be out of "sync". Leaving one in a state of ' quiet desperation'. Then the time has come for a personal evaluation, an assessment of ones' priorities and choices that are being made. Along, with a check-up, of one's value system.

If ones' life has become dysfunctional, with more downs than ups. Then repair is called for, a re-tooling, a re-defining. So that a sense of "Well Being" can come front and center. To replace the dis-ease.

There are many methodologies to well-ness. But, like Truth, Beauty, Goodness or Love. The secret lies in entering into the flow, the energy, the spirit of that which you choose and do. Method is hollow, becoming and being is the nexus. So wellness can become embedded within.



Things in and of themselves have little or no value. True or false? We decide what value to give things. Yes! Everybody has their own rating practices as to what is valuable or as to what is not valuable in their life. At the top of some peoples' list we might find such things; as status, position, power, wealth or even fame. As with others, we see them giving value, importance to security and the accumulation of those things that promote and give some assurance to this wanted security.

In all we have mentioned so far, there is always that danger of becoming possessed by our wishes and our possessions. As they become an end all to end all. Now one does not have to be a member of the "Mesa Society" to figure out that all these are temporal and can be taken away in a blink of an eye. In light of this; we need to ask ourselves, what happens then, how do we survive, how do we cope? What resources can we fall back on?

But better still, we need to ask ourselves; are all these things just a substitute for what we really want?. Do we acquire because we are seeking or wanting a feeling of security? Do we acquire because of our persistent loneliness, our need for a sense of belonging, to be accepted, to be loved. What is our intent, what is behind our motivations for the acquisition of things?

We started this discussion, by saying that things, animate or inanimate have only the value we place or give to them. This is partially correct as it relates to our own structuring of reality. But things in an of themselves have their own "is-ness," their "thus-ness." One of our most grievous faults, is we do not see that which just is, for what it is.. We are more prone to see only what we want to see, we conveniently wear a variety of tinted shades. Plus the fact we create the many images, we hold to be real and of value.

We hinted that sometimes we seek out substitutes to help in our loneliness and emptiness. To help in our lack of feeling secure. Or in our needs of acceptance, belonging and being loved. Most of us are aware of the growing child, who does many things to gain the attention of others. To be noticed in a way feeds even though falsely, a sense of identify. Giving a quick fix; but this quick mend does not last, so it sends one off looking for a new fix and a new fix, on and on.

When discussing the values, we have set on various things, too often there is no mention of the fact as to how a certain value came into being. Who set it and why? What was the motivation behind it. We have all heard the phrase;" Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Out of the many possessions we have accumulated. We need to ask; has the price tag been set by society? Or did we increase the value after purchase?

To many times we give a value to something, then acquire and possess it. And then identify and attach ourselves to those things which we have given a value too. And then continually keep raising the value and the acquiring. Sort of a self-fulfilling pricing. All this in the hope that our emptiness and loneliness will cease to be.

Here comes the commercial. As a popular comedian used to say; "Here comes the judge". True values cannot be created nor can there be a substitute for them.

The sad part of this entire scenario we have so cleverly created in giving values to so many things which have little or no value. Is we have forgotten we are the price fixers, we are responsible for this "House of cards."


If we can become aware of this absurdity of how we have placed, or overvalued so many things. And the significance, the importance we have established in regards to owning, accumulating and the possessing of things. To the point they have us, instead of we having them.  We are at the beginning of understanding how we create the world we have chosen to live in. If we have programmed the "absurdities" the "false", we can delete and re-program the "Real".

We have become attached, addicted and controlled by; the very things we have given life too, by the value an importance we have given to them. All this becomes a vicious circle.

How many of the young and old cannot get out from under the burden, the control and limiting freedom, created by these things. These very things we have breathed life into. Giving them the power to influence whether we will join the living or the dead.

What has been said up to now could as well apply to our relationships. Our beliefs, customs, and traditions. Our ideas and thoughts; also to all our myths and superstitions. All these which we have given a price tag too. We have given each and everything our evaluation. Much like we classify, categorize and catalogue everything. Believing in doing so, we know what it is. If we can name it our fears are minimized. If we can price it, attach a value to it even if it is false. We feel less empty, less lonely. We are talking about temporary "Band-Aids".

We have said it before in many different ways. And I feel certain these words will be repeated many times more. What ever we describe, is not that which is. Why? Because we see only in part, not as it is. Our thinking is fragmentary, incomplete, not "Whole". It is like trying to see the contents of a room by peeking through the keyhole. Or understanding an author and his thesis, by reading a few lines of a review on the jacket of his book. Or being aware of the moment while living in the past or the future.

If we can come to understand this, we just might, find out; "who and what" we really are.



During those breathing's of bliss. The Void, holds court in silence. As my soul whispers; "thanks" amid a chorus of a "Great Amen".

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is finished.

The Hawk has landed.

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