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== Hawk Health Alert! ==

The Joys of Trekking the World

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Fishing in every state in America including; British Columbia, Alaska, the Yukon and Hawaii. For my breakfast and dinner at times.

Reliving those roaring, "hell bent" days of those early miners that came from all over the world in the late 18th. Century. Looking for "Yukon gold." As they stood at the beginning of the "Chilkoot Trail". To make the climb for "fame and fortune" As I looked down as I topped the rim of the mountain, I could almost see the long line, of those thousands of men that challenged "The Chilkcoot" and its' elements. As they looked to the top and beyond to their dreams and hopes for the future.

Panning for platinum gold. Moving tons of dirt through a sluice box in the Dawson area of the Yukon, up beyond Alaska. For only a few precious ounces of "yellow". Then they would make  their way down to Dawson City. And spend it all at "Dirty Gertys'" Gambling Emporium. As they watched the "can, can" girls do their thing. 

Walking through time while descending down through the walls of Grand Canyon, above the Colorado River.

Capturing the sunrise in the lens of my camera, as it played hid and seek amid the monolithic rock giants that rise above the floor of Monument Valley National Park, in Arizona.

Competing in a tomahawk and knife throwing contest with some Native Americans on the Reservation, in Arizona

 All the sights and sounds and the smells of the many marketplaces, fairs and Casaba's around the world.

Pitching my tent in the middle of the Serengeti Plain or the Riff Valley. Or along the banks of the Zambezi River where Dr.Livington might have camped. I have walked, camped and cooked all over the World. There is nothing that compares {well, maybe something} with the sense of freedom that one feels upon awakening amid the sounds of the natural world. I am sure that Thoreau must have felt the same thing at "Walden Pond" as he awakened each morning to the freshness and innocence of the day.

The game trails and paths; two days with the Massai people shortly after crossing over into Kenya from Ethiopia. In and out of the back door of many of the Game Reserves. Feeling the thrill of the challenge, as I approached Mt. Kenya's and Hemingway's' beloved Kilimanjaro' peaks. As a boy;I had read of his experiences and adventurers during his time of climbing this jewel of Africa.

What a thrill to finally be standing at the foot of each of these mountains. And accept the challenge of the climb. Words fail to portray the beauty and grandeur of these two timeless gifts.

When one becomes a part of and feels the presence, the energy of the climb, the alive-sens of the moment. One becomes aware that each and everything" above and below" are but one. We are connected, we are "family".I am convinced that this aware-sens can happen anywhere, anytime. The time is not predictable. "Silence and attention" are vital for this to happen. "Be still and know, " This is the call."

All the "oohs, ah Ha's, and wows"! Of this big Wide Wonderful World, we have inherited is beyond words. Our shame is; that we seldom give any thanks for the abundance.

All the architectural and natural monuments of "man" and nature. The Great Pyramids rising out of the sands of Egypt. The "Leaning Tower" of Pisa. The Acropolis, Stonehenge, Notre Dame, along with St. Peters in Rome. Monument Valley and Grand Canyon and the list goes on..

The scattered reminders of the pomp, power and ceremony of our past, as represented in the thousands of Castles, Museums and Art Galleries spread throughout the Countries of the World

I have been privy to see and experience the various ethnicities, cultures, customs and traditions of the world.  And felt the wide spread generosity.  The willingness of people, of all sizes and shapes, creeds and colors, giving to a total stranger {Food and shelter}. But even more important, a feeling and seeing their concern and friendship. Their smiles and laughter. Even in the midst of the most adverse, heart rendering conditions of scarcity and hardship. One could ever imagine.

All the visual sights of Nature. With her hues and colors that would cause an artists' palette to blush. And tongue-tie the most gifted of poet

The rolling hills, the thundering waters that cascade over rocks, rushing headlong down the mountainside. To become part of "all and everything". The beauty and peace of the worlds' forests with her thousands, upon thousands of tree lined sentinels, standing in silence, watching over Natures' Kingdom.

Those breathless sunrises over the rise of a distant mountain or on the crest of a shimmering wave. All the sunsets that take, ones' breath away. Those of the postcard variety.

The bursts of spring that sing of life and love. The thaws of the worlds' winterlands.
That have that fairy book look.

The fusion's of flowers that carpet the interiors of the World, with their dazzling fashion of colors. That swing and sway at the slightest hint of a breeze. Wither they be along the boulevards of Milan, Paris or London. Or in the flower boxes and fields of Holland, Russia or Spain

The deadly silence of both sea and ocean or the constant babble of a running brook; that plays among the rocks. Then, you have the running rivers. Some quick, fast, and dangerous with their hidden rocks and the killer jaws of submerged Crocks and Hippos.

All the animals in their native habitat, where "survival of the fittest" is the name of the game. Where beauty, grace and speed is on a grand scale. While the animals do those things; they are best at, be they big or small. Of land, air or water.

And the deserts of the world, that have a surreal beauty, all their own. As one watches the light and shadows, dancing in and out of the shifting sands. As the mind begins to fill with images of the endless lines of man and beasts, who at one time traveled the famous "Silk Trade" routes of yesteryear. With their fine silks and spices for a price.

As the light begins to slowly fade; the surrealistic beauty of the day is replaced by the resplendent beauty of the night. A night that has a thousand eyes, that holds you in their gaze. Until "Morpheus" the prince of the night arrives, and you ask; "please hold back the dawn, let the night with her beauty, stay with me; a little while longer. "Just a little while longer."

On the "I-Max." screen of the World, there is so much to see, to become part of and it of us. That one needs at least a hundred lives or so. Since this is not possible at the present. We should not miss, even the tinniest of moments to see all we possibly can. What is that saying; "We past by this world but once'' so we need to soak in all we can, before our bodies dry up and blow away.  I am  often asked; do I ever get lonely walking the World?  How could this be possible, when just around the corner or over the next horizon.  Or down a lane or a city street there could be "the sight", the wonder; the experience of a lifetime. Just waiting for me to come along. When you think about it, how lucky can a fellow be?

Well, here comes my signature.

Do you happen to have a dream tucked away somewhere, a dream, to be or do? If you have, don't ever lose it. Hold on to it! Take it out and dust it off, now and then! Maybe that very "now": may be the right "now". To just do it.  For, the final reality of any dream is, just do it!

Happy days and happy trails!.

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